Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Monday's Swim with Andy

Thanks to Andy Thomas for yet another good swimming class last night, working on kick oh joy :-)
1250m in total obviously with breaks, however we are now up to 6 lengths non stop so just another 10 on top and we be ready lol xxx
Took the kids swimming today, I say swimming more standing whilst they used me as a jumping board, don't  you just love half term.
Will be hard trying to squeeze in a full weeks training this week but will try ...........

Monday, 29 October 2012

New Page for For Luca Triathlon

This is the new page being set up for the Triathlon, the current Profile and page will be deleted in 30 days, so please do not miss out on any updates and information that is to follow.

3rd time lucky hey

Sarah xxx For Luca

Changing ForLuca Triathlon from a Profile to a page

Hello all sorry to be a pain however I have se up the ForLuca Triathlon as a Profile rather than a page, so I have sent to all a request to like the new page currently being set up, sorry for any inconvenience caused

Sarah xxxFor Luca

Better day in the pool

Better day in the pool today, 4 length warm up, 22 continuous lengths, then 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 4 length cool down total of 60 length, not trying to go fast just smooth and steady, apart from the penultimate 2 as tried to go fast as I could which was not very as was pretty beat by then.  No gym first just swimming obviously the way forward, could not have got on a bike though after that (not yet anyway)

Try a Tri

More details about the Sprint Triathlon, it consists of a 400m Swim Pool based, 16km - 20 km Bike and 5km Run outdoors.
Some of the team will be completing a Super Sprint which consists of 400m Swim Pool based, 10 km Bike and 2.5 km Run. 
Hope this information is helpful !!!!!

Sarah xxx For Luca

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Some days good some days not so.......,,

How come some days you can swim for ages and not seem to struggle , other days it does not seem to happen in pool after gym today could not keep my rhythm in pool after 4 lengths or so, bleeding frustrating.  Probably does not help went in gym first and blasted legs and shoulders a bit but wasn't finding it physically hard just kept losing the pattern, ah well still kore work to do then!  Did do bit on the bike, so borrowing in the gym and no way feels like proper bike, still bottling the inning though have to start soon.  Need to get organised with training !!!!

2 new participants Hooray, Welcome to our mad world!!!!!!!

Wow already we have had two people come forward wishing to join the team, this is fantastic thank you so much Lindsay and gavin

Sarah xxx For Luca

About us..............

We are a group of mums from Marshfield all with two or more young children who attend the local school.
Most of us work Part/Full time and when not working in the day can often be found in the cafe area of David Lloyd, ''well they do say caffeine is great before a workout"
A few months back a group of us attended the ''Ladies who lunch for luca'' whilst there we were affectionally named table 10, basically the loud ones at the back flirting with Gethin Jones ha ha well why wouldn't you ???
So about the Triathlon, well after the event how could you not be inspired to do something ? after meeting such a determined little boy and an amazingly welcoming family we began to throw ideas around.
''Lets do a triathlon'', well why not ? most of us are at the gym three days a week usually drinking more coffee than actual training.
''Isn't it going to be hard'' ?, well of course, thats the whole point of it,  but we need a challenge.
''Let's do something no-one would expect us to do'' ok but a triathlon ? that's big not all of us can swim, ''so we find an instructor''.

So it began not without hesitation I may add, please don't underestimate the' want' to do something amazing for Luca, but at the same time this would mean a huge amount of commitment, time and individually personal challenges and fears to overcome.
Never the less we find ourselves here !!!, we felt that writing our training blogs would encourage people to follow our progress, individually and as a team, to provide support and training tips, so please any advice, bring it on............
Secondly I would like to add what began as a small group of women has grown quite a bit, of course we have managed to rope in some of our husbands, so men do not be afraid.

FINALLY WE WOULD LOVE OTHERS TO JOIN US ON OUR ADVENTURE, RAISING MORE AND MORE FUNDS 'FOR LUCA' we are currently looking at the Fairwater Sprint Triathlon on May 5th, although this may change depending on the numbers of people.
If you require any further information please let us know

Sarah XXX For Luca

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Kevins first post

Had first session back at lloydies today after a week , good session in pool total of 52 lengths including a 14 non stop to start then a 12 non stop towards end, madly the one at end seemed easier even though I was nackered, probably cos was warmed up and relaxed rather than trying to thrash it out.  Still not done any bike or running work yet not sure when gonna fit that in as well.  Feeling more confident about swim now, only about 4 weeks ago was just turning out 2 lengths and struggling at that, so don't worry guys all of a sudden it starts to come as was only managing 6 non stop 2 weeks ago.

Liam's Swimming Class

Ladies you would have loved Liam's class tonight, 10 mins warm up, 30 mins technique nice and easy, one length at a time, then what I can only describe as advanced water aerobics !!!!!! he he
it was more like a gym workout but lots of fun, different to Andy's but equally as good but not as many lengths as last week thank god.

Sarah xxx For luca

Joanne's first blog & update!

Well had a good training session today although I have had the lurgy (northern word for bad cold!) all week so missed Tuesdays session, managed to do 16k bike in 33.33 mins following an interval running session 5 mins on then conditioning weights then 5 mins run then abs then 5 mins run etc and so on, however I turned my usual training colour of a tomato so worked hard. (I actually detest running, I can't actually think of a reason for running other than running for your life from a lion in Africa as it eyes you up for its tea, why else would you want to run anywhere for fun?!) so thanks to sarah J for the advice to break it up and do it in 5 min portions.
Decided after the gym and sarah talking to 10 stroke liam that working on our swimming technique is more important than banging out the lengths so i completed 16 lengths using all our different training methods that Sarah 'Rebecca Adlington' Burford has learnt in her proper lessons!
Feel absolutely shattered today but really good, gutted I'm going to miss training next week due to half term holidays but I'm taking my cossie with me to Sheffield!

Jo 'Bradley Wiggins' wilkinson xx

Thursday's triple event

Ok so now up to 16km on bike hooray!! took approx 35 mins, then interval training on running machine 5 minutes on, off for weights, on for five off for abs, on for 5, back off for weights.
Can I just state for the record I HATE RUNNING!!!!!!!! 
Although it did help by breaking it up, thank you Sarah J for the tips and to Jo for remembering them. 
20 lengths in the pool, and getting ready to go to swimming lesson tonight, although I will not be making the same mistake as last week doing 70 lengths, my back did not like that :-(. 
I have been warned ''take it easy Rebecca Addlington "I wish lol x

Sarah xxx For Lca
Jeni progress update!
Started the day with some porridge. Needed all my energy to focus on being able to float and move at the same time!
Did 15km on the bike then 5min intervals on the running machine. Then the pool.....I have now invested in a swimming cap (I had held off on this purchase as I didn't want to look the part too prematurely!) I managed 26 lengths and can now do 2 without having to rest, aiming for 4 by next week.
I have just rewarded myself with a welsh cake for this mornings effort. If I manage 4 lengths at a time next week I may allow myself 2 welsh cakes!
Jeni xxx

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Invitation to Blog

Hi all I should have sent you all an invitation to blog for Luca.  If you open the invitation and follow the instructions it will allow to blog under your own name and profile.  Any problems let me know and I shall ask Mr. Nodder  he he xxx

Sarah xxx For Luca

Gym & Swim Tomorrow DLC

Hey ladies just a gentle reminder of our Thursday Gym session, Run, Bike Swim tomorrow straight from school if anyone can make it ???
Also Liam from DLC runs a swimming class tomorrow evening 7.30 - 8.30 if anyone fancies joining me ?

Look forward to seeing you all there

Sarah xxx For Luca

Photos for Page

Secondly please send me some pics of you all.
Preferably ones of you in training on your bikes, running, swimming etc ......... all raising your hands for luca, if you wish for me to take your pics please just ask.....
Sadly we will not be using the glam ones posted last night on facebook, sorry girls we want 'real' action shots lol xxxx

Sarah xxx For Luca

Don Skene Bikes

Hi all just a quick update, a few of us popped into Don Skene's bike shop yesterday.  The guy was really helpful and had loads of information on road bikes so if you are considering purchasing a bike its definitely worth popping in for a chat.
A new bike ranges from £550.00 up to £4000.00 for those of you with deep pockets.  Obviously you do not need a new bike but if you were considering he was kindly offering us a discount so if you do go in just mention the 'Triathlon For Luca'
For those of you who are going to use your own mountain bike he can also give you advice on purchasing road tyres to convert your bike making the cycle a little easier and more comfortable.

Hope this was helpful

Sarah xxx For Luca

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Hooray !!!! Our Just giving page For Luca xxx


Sarah's First Injury :-(

Ok so the swimming had been going well, however it has flared up an old back injury, which meant I had to leave my spin class early today ;-( not a happy bunny.
I managed to get a sports massage this afternoon and feeling a bit better so a day off tomorrow but fingers crossed back in the gym and pool for our grueling Thursday session Run, Bike and Swim cant wait ;-)

Sarah xxx For Luca


Went swimming for the first time today since signing up for the triathlon.Felt like I have had my confidence knocked today after swallowing so much water!Going to dive straight back in tomorrow and try again!

Forlucatriathlon Just Giving Page


Monday, 22 October 2012

For Luca Triathlon - Just Giving Page


Sarah Week 5 in the pool

A brief update............

Week one - First lesson ok, so I haven't swam properly for 20 yrs but felt good to be back in the pool, just            
about swam one length without stopping.

Week Two - Really enjoying the new skills I am learning, can swim two lengths without stopping.

Week Three - Thought I was progressing well, however got told by a lifeguard to consider tuition lol.

Week Four - Really frustrating, thinking too hard about the technique but managed to swim three lengths. Later in the week did another class and swam 70 x 25m in one hour really chuffed.

Week Five - Really starting to enjoy swimming, now up to four lengths without stopping, although was hard tonight think weighed down by all the cupcakes lol

Sarah xxx For Luca

Jeni Week 1 pool
Well I finally got my hair wet and entered the pool. Andy, our coach, watched me swim 25m and then presented me with a float! Step 1....practise breathing and put my head under more. Step 2 for this evening was my arms.....I had to imagine I was tickling under my armpits! I had a lot of things to try and remember kick, breathe, arms, head further under! Now that is multi-tasking!
Had lots of fun with the girls and have lots to practise for next week xxx

Week 5 - in the pool

Dedication....triathlon swimming class on my birthday!!
Won the glide challenge!!!

Lucy week 2 swimming

Well I came back after week one, when I thought swimming was definitely not something I can excel at (being very competitive) but I gave it another go. I would say that week 1 was a 2 and now week 2 a 3 may be a 4, so a little improvement.

Our Just Giving Page


Ladies who lunch..........

Firstly Happy Happy Birthday to our very own Louise Fowler.
We enjoyed a lovely day shopping at House Envy, then off to Cowbridge for lunch to celebrate Lou's birthday.
However we have not forgotten the effort we need to put in tonight for our Monday Triathlon Swimming class to improve on our much need technique !!!!!
Tonight we will be joined by Jeni Evans and Sarah Jeffery for their first session, its a good job we had those fab cup cakes made by Lisa and Lisa we need all the energy we can get, update on our class to follow later ..................
Sarah xxx For Luca