Sunday, 25 November 2012

My training last week

This is my weekly update........

It began last Sunday with a three mile run with my very best friend Michelle who I have known since we started high school.  I love running with Michelle, we used to run together in school in those dreadful gym pants, thankfully they are no longer.
Every few years or so we say we are going to start running but as soon as the cold, wet and dark nights fall so do we, but not this time, we have a goal !!!! having read a lot of training posts they say you are much more likely to achieve if you have a clear goal, something to achieve.
This is certainly true when it comes to Michelle and I, the last time we achieved our goal was a charity run five years ago for Cancer research just after the loss of my beautiful mum.
Although Michelle has never met Luca she is determined, in fact I have never met someone so determined, she never wants to quit once she sets herself up for something and she is so competitive which is great at keeping one another motivated, although she does need to invest in some new trainers as they squeak with every step lol.
Sunday night ended up in another swimming class by accident although it was great getting some more tips.

Monday - with Jo (Bradley Wiggins ) Wilkinson, as Jo has been injured she is not able to run and can only go on a stationary bike, so we completed a 16km ride in under 34 mins, which we are trying to reduce on a weekly basis.  I have also gone back to working with weights as I have read its important to keep up with strength work, especially working on core muscles, well you never know I may even get somewhere towards that 'Strictly stomach' I always wish for, since Santa hasn't delivered it for the past two years !!!!!
Monday evening our usual Triathlon swim session with the lovely Andy in the pool, thankfully we were not doing endurance work this week, I think last week we swan 1500 m which was a wicked goal but was really hard.  This week we were concentrating on technique, although I am not sure mine has improved much in the last few months, some days it feels like I get it and then others well I look like i'm drowning, I think some video footage is required or is that going too far ???

Tuesday/Wednesday has been taken up with school activities so no training, its amazing once you start training you actually miss the routine of not going, sad I know

Thursday - Back on the bike another 16km, with Lucy and Lou, three in a row all smiles and chat to begin with, by the end we no longer have the energy to speak, sweat everywhere believe me it's not a pleasant sight lol x Next onto some weights and strength training.
32 Lenghts in the pool, starting with 8 straight off then drills, oh get me drills like I know what i'm taking about, I love the feeling of the water after a gym session it's so relaxing, if only the triathlon was the other way around it would be lovely to flop in the pool after a cycle and a run.

Friday - Gym session with Jo, completed 20 minutes on the cross trainer, kept occupied by the ladies doing zumba in the class opposite, just the thought of me in a zumba class sends shivers down my spine, as anyone can tell you I have absolutely no co- ordination what so ever.  The cross trainer also looks over the pool, so being the professionals we are, we were able to critique others technique from the side line he he he
In the pool for 16 lengths, a quick session before the kids School Christmas Fayre.

Friday night - Have got Michelle a 12 day pass to David Lloyd so have met her there for my second gym and swim session of the day.
10 minutes cross trainer, 10 minutes on the ski trainer or whatever they call it and 10 minute interval training on the running machine, and some abs, ready for my bed now
In the pool, Michelle tries to take a sneaky pic of me in my swim cap lucky enough I manage to dodge that one.
Well what can I say I try and give Michelle a few tips on what I have been taught, it was so funny she cracks me up, I guess you would have to have been there to really appreciate it but omg we laughed and laughed trying to teach Michelle to push and glide her little legs were all over the place, her feet flapping in all different directions we could not stop giggling, but Michelle being Michelle carried on and on until she got it. I cant wait for tonight's lesson I hope you have your swim cap and goggles Michelle looking forward to it

Sarah xxx For Luca

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Training has begun for Matt

Back injury now on the mend, decided to start my training. A quick bike ride yesterday went ok so made use of a 12 day pass at David Lloyd today to get in some swimming. Haha, seemed so much easier back in those school swimming lessons!! Just about managed 12 lengths with a few breaks to 'adjust my goggles'!!

Lots of work to do, think I will need every bit of the 6 months we have before D-day! Going to cram in those David Lloyd swim lessons in the next 12 days before I return to Pentwyn leisure centre :-)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Run and swim

Rewind back to Sunday when I completed a 3 mike run with Michelle who has been persuaded to do the half marathon for Luca xxx it will be like the old days in school minus the gym pants thankfully .
Thanks to andy at David Lloyd who really pushed us last night as we completed 1600 m, that's  64 lengths wow never thought I could do that in an hour really pleased

Sarah xxx For Luca

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Back to gym work

After a week of Halloween, birthdays, kids parties early on a Sunday and fireworks night finally got bak in gym to week, gym session Wednesday, ( sore as hell thurs), swim thurs eve 66 lengths  goal with longest run of 16 without stopping this time slightly disappointed, also crashed into the side due to avoiding a dopey woman backing across the pool and new googles making me think I was further away.  First bike session on the trainer fri night nearly killed me 16k in 31 min felt bad need to adjust bike a lot again as new saddle not seating right but will get there, still got to get properly organised now.  

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Back in the Gym after a week off for Half term

Why oh Why is it sooooo hard after just one week off ????
Ok so lets not talk about the gym too much did 20 minute cycle 10 minute run , some weights, lunges, abs blah blah blah
However the good news is the swim was much better, Firstly I managed to do 8 lengths non stop, followed by 24 lengths, concentrating on legs, arms etc.....then 10 lengths non stop to finish off so really chuffed although Jo did comment on my lack of technique on the last few lengths ha ha ha

Thanks Mrs J (Bradley Wiggins) Wilkinson x

Sarah xxx For Luca

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

First road cycle

Enjoyed my first road cycle today 20 km not too bad although still can't imagine running after this aswell as swimming before but trying not to think of this too much......

Sarah xxx For Luca

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Date night at David Lloyd!

Yes....I took Jason out on a date to David Lloyd!!! 20min cycle followed by a swim...managed  30 leisurely lengths!  Jason's first proper swim....I was rather impressed!  Not sure I could train with him on a regular basis....he does not exactly take "anything" seriously....if you ever go swimming with him, ask him to swim the length of the pool in 1stroke.....very funny!  Hey...we may have another addition to our triathlon gang!!!

Lou xx